Weekly French POST – le Post du dimanche

Ce post va être un peu plus long que les autres. D’une part je me dois de me faire un peu pardonner pour avoir été autant absent ces dernières semaines. Qui ont été assez bien occupées : Californie, Autriche, France… Beaucoup de kilomètres et de RDV. Le clin d’oeuil est que dans mon vol retour Los Angeles – Francfort, j’étais assis juste à coté du DJ des Black Eyed Peas. Il parait que c’est un groupe assez connu. Moi j’ai trouvé ce type super sympa. Son nom de scène est DJ MOTIVE8.

Bref, venons en au vif du sujet, le post de la semaine. En français et sur la photo.

Mais, peut on parler de façon aussi générale de la photo ? Peut on comparer le travail de Don McCullin avec celui de David Hamilton ou de Joe McNally? Je ne le crois pas. Ce qu’elles ont en commun, ces photos, c’est d’avoir été un témoin de ce qu’il y avait devant eux. Mais il faut les replacer dans leur contexte pour bien comprendre la portée ou le sens d’une photo.

Voici Anny-Yolande Horowitz.

Anny-Yolande Horowitz

Un portrait ultra-simple. Un classique dans le genre photomaton. Un cliché réalisé par un photographe au service de la préfecture de Gironde dans les nnées 40. Une charmante jeune fille aux cheveux magnifiques, au regard clair doux et expressif, aux lèvres sensuelles, une enfant qui laisse déjà présumer une femme belle et séduisante. Qu’elle n’est pas devenue. Cette fille incarne la jeunesse, l’insouciance de l’enfance et son innocence face à un monde qui la dépasse. Elle mourra exterminée à Auschwitz.

Cette photo donne un visage aux victimes. Il ne s’agit plus de la déportation, d’un nombre de victimes. Mais d’Anny-Yolande, née à Strasbourg, qui a eu la malchance de naitre dans un monde fou et injuste. Cette photo prend aux tripes car Anny-Yolande est belle. Et soignée : elle s’est faite belle pour cette photo, comme en témoigne  son noeud dans sa coiffure et ses petits gants de laine. Elle incarne l’injustice qui écrase l’innocence.

Juste un photomaton. Un symbole.

Mais, et ma question peu paraître choquante, penserions nous la même chose si Anny-Yolande n’avait pas été si jolie ? Nous toucherait elle de emotionellement de la même façon. Ma réponse personnelle est hélas non. C’est moralement indéfendable, mais je crains que le pouvoir de l’image soit tel que malheureusement, la raison soit battue par l’émotion. Annie-Yolande est morte, je crois en 1942. 64 années plus tard, elle fait l’objet d’un article. Morte si jeune, elle est encore présente. Voilà le pouvoir de la photographie.

La photo du dessus est un agrandissement de la carte d’identité d’Anny-Yolande issue du site de Karl Lagerfeld :

Il y a donc la photo (modèle, paysage, lumière…), son contexte et le regard que nous avons sur les deux.

Bonne semaine.

more to come…

Sunday’s post : l’article francophone n° 1

(Sunday’s post is always in French!)

f Place charles de Gaulle

Et comment ne pas commencer ce post hebdomadaire en Français par un article sur… Paris. La photo de voyage rejoint la photo de rue à bien des égards. D’une part il faut voyager léger. Pas uniquement par ce qu’il faut tout porter toute la journée, je pense que notre motivation décuple nos forces mais aussi et surtout pour être rapide et ne pas rater, manquer le moment décisif si cher à HCB.

Retrouver Paris, quand on en vient (ou presque), alors que les méandres de la vie m’ont fait dériver sur les côtes viennoises du Danube, est un plaisir visuel intense comme seules les grandes villes savent procurer. L’architecture y est variée, riche et dense, et offre de nombreuses possibilités photographiques, la vie grouille, s’agite et ne s’arrête que tard dans la nuit.

beaubourg - tubes - Paris

Ce blog n’est pas un carnet de voyage ni un journal mais un catalogue d’articles qui retrace mon apprentissage laborieux et lent de la photographie. Pourquoi lent et laborieux? Et bien disons que si les fondamentaux sont simples sur le fond puisque tout n’est que ISO, diaphragme et vitesse d’exposition, et bien il y a 1001 trucs qu’il faut cependant maitriser pour faire la différence une fois que vous quittez le mode P.

Par exemple : Je veux faire une photo ou je veux profiter de la lumière du soleil en contre-jour dans un drap ou tissus pour créer une belle ambiance. Comment mesurer la lumière ? Sur quelle partie de l’image ?

terrasse de cafe

Pourquoi même si mon appareil est ultra-perfectionné j’ai des photos qui donnent un aspect laiteux surexposé. Pourquoi photographier un chat noir allongé à l’ombre est un challenge… Comment supprimer un oiseau dans le ciel avec photoshop, etc…

Pourquoi et comment sont les deux mots qui ont accompagné mon chemin photographique. Et j’ai décidé de mettre toutes mes réponses par écrit, phase ultime de la maitrise de mon savoir. Et de partager tout cela avec des gens aussi fous de photos que moi et qui, eux aussi, ne savent pas trop par quel bout commencer.

2011 05 29 - Paris - juin 2011-72

Ce blog est en anglais 6 jours sur 7 et en français les dimanches. Pour retrouver les articles en Français avec l’outil de recherche, vous devez saisir “#france”.
Vous y trouverez des photos, des critiques de photos, des liens vers de grands photographes, des liens vers des video ou des tutoriels… bref, un bric à brac de conseils que je rédige ici et d’informations que j’ai accumulées au fil du temps.

Tour eiffel de beaubourg

Vous pouvez laisser un message et me faire parvenir vos questions / réactions, rien n’est censuré sauf les incivilités et le manque de respect. Ceci étant posé, tout sujet et toute critique est le bien venu.

Avant de vous quitter aux pied des buttes Chaumond, je vous souhaite un bon weekend et vous dis à bientôt !

2011 06 03 - Paris - juin 2011-30

A suivre…

Paris is a dream…

2011 05 30 - Paris - juin 2011-23-Bearbeitet

Nothing with strobes today.
And nothing with photoshop and how-toes…
But I think this shot is what photography is about : sea different and write it with your cam.

Tip of the day : See different.

What happens when you don’t ?
Well, you will have your 15 minutes of celebrity and you’re done. Take a magazine like the ones issued by the airlines. Watch the adds. All the same : wonderful women with opened mouth with hand close to the face. After 5 minutes you simply get bored. 

What’s new in the blog?
Every sunday, I will publish an article in French, my native language. Alors Mesdames et Messieurs restez dans les parrages.

More to come…

No Time Is No Excuse

Who has got time nowadays?

Mickael Gadzik - Mail-1

I don’t. My colleagues don’t. My neighbors don’t.

As a GWAC (= Guy With A Cam), I do a lot of things : I travel, I fly to Paris, Nantes, Lyon, Marseille… I visit hotels, I spend hours behind my desk, I call, I e-mail… I spend hours driving on the road, I have meetings… I definitely have no time.

But, It’s not true.

Some shots don’t require a lot of time to be great. Sometimes you simply have to be the right guy at the right place at the right time.

I was last week in Paris with Mickael (see above). Mickael and I are colleagues and we have a bunch of fun together. And then, I saw him like a CEO of a big corporation (our company is big but we are not even members of the board). He usually wears jeans and T-shirts and seeing him dressed like this, well I thought he would like a shot of him like that. He was actually really giving a call.

So here is the thing : Wherever you are, there is always someone or something to photograph. You do not have to go very far. You just have to see things and to present them in a fancy or non conventional way.

Making the shot took me 30 seconds (5 frames) + 5 Min in CS5.

So 5 Minutes and 30 seconds.

Lake of time is not an excuse.

More to come…


This picture was shot at the Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris while I was waiting for my flight to Vienna, Austria.
I was getting bored as it was late and, I thought I could use this time to make some experiments.
I really love trying things and playing with light. But I also love to play with DOF (2,8 here).

This is a funny way to make a remembrance of moment. Many people go to an airport and make a shot of the gates, the planes or what ever and sometimes I do it too. But actually those are after a while not the pictures I keep in mind. My hand is catching or holding a check-in automated machine.

I guess this is a weired way to see the world. And I confess that I, although I am 43, am still a kind of kid looking around me with a strong curiosity.
Some people seem not to like it.

A few minutes after this shot, a police officer came straight at me and told me to stop taking pictures.

– “Why?” I asked
– “’cause I say so!” he said
– “Hey! Your job to make that folks respect the law. Not to create the law : I haven’t seen any signs forbidding me to make some shots!!!…”
– “You stop, or you will have to follow me!” he said his walkie-talkie in his left hand.

I stopped and got my flight.

That’s the story behind the shot.

More to come…

What can I shoot when I do not travel to wow places?


I travel a lot and I am not always in the most beautifull places but still, I do believe that you can make good shots with poor material. At the end of the day it only depends on how you do see things and a great help would be to keep one’s kid’s eye.

This is why I love iPhone or Ipad.

You always have one of them with you. You see, you shoot. Done. I guess Cartier-Bresson would have loved it. Then he always said that it finally all comes down to the decisive moment to capture the emotion. He used to shoot only with a prime lens (50mm) in BW. You should google him, he created a news photo Agency called Magnum and was responsible for Asia.

Anyway, over years, I have a collection of planes and airports pictures I will share here so you can notice that you do not have to go to the end of the world to make interesting shots.

Let the little child in you see the world…

More to come…


Rain (Part2)

The easiest to thing to do is to be in a dry place, and a good option is a window. We all have a window, well, if you are not homeless, but the thing that you are reading this let me think you are not. Anyway, as soon as you notice that it rains, go to a window and wait for a nice pattern on it : the drops.

Here in Paris at CDG, Terminal 2 waiting for a plain to Vienna, Austria :

Sun and storm at Paris airport cdg Terminal 2d

You can get amazing lights contrats when the sun is still shinning at the other side of the horizon.


And I love the stormy late afternoon moof of this shot (witch was actually shot early in the morning in St Priest, France) :


10 Killer Tips For Better Portraits

Well before we go down to it, I have to define what kind of portrait I want to shoot.

One. Define what portrait you want. 
Is it a tight portrait where shapes of nose, lipps have to be considered as a kind of landscape? Is the intensity of the picture focussed on the look and the face’s expression? In that case you have to be a master of lights to get more than an ID-shot. Some studios are famous for this. But the most famous one and in my opinion the best one was the Studio Harcourt in Paris. (See link and the end of the article). Especially for such portraits, light is very important and before you even start to set them, you have to check the face of your model.
Two. Analyze your model. 
Is you model a man? A woman? Tall? Thin? Fat ? Big nose? These are example of the model check you must proceed before the shooting. Meet your Model first or get pictures of her/him.  And then, check the dresses, the make up : in one word, the styling.
Three. Care about the make up
The most important of all if you do not want to spend hours in front of your screen with photoshop, watch out the the make-up. First all you will not have to remove the blemeshes later, because that is the priority for a MUA to care about that. Now many of you will think that you can fix it in ps. And yes, it is true. But think how long you will need do have the job done properly. And now think how much time this is when you have to prepare 10 pictures. But that’s not all : I hear sometimes people telling that they will do the make up entirely with photoshop… My one advice : the more your model is ready to shoot, the more you will save time and work on different projects.  If you are a hobby photographer, ask your model to be careful and do not hesitate to ask her to fix some parts. It will be ok, trust me. Your model wants good pictures as much as you do. Now, it is time to check the styling.
Four. Styling as a message
The styling is the strong part of the picture and gives the entire look to your pictures. Is it ok with my model? Does it bring information to my shot? Does it bring the information to my shot I need? This makes the story. I include accesories also to the styling.
Five. Take a pen and make a draft
Now, you have the ingredients, it is time to cook! You have to make serious decision. Like a painter, you will have think about the composition. Where has to be the model, the pose, what effects do I want to reach with the strobes?
Six. Save time… And use a light meter. 
I have been fascinated by a video of Frank Doorhof about metering the light. You are so quick to set the strobes and already you can shoot. How does it work? Take the light meter. Switch it on. Aim it at the light source. Take a measurement. Read the data and set the camera according to them. Done. Frank is called the light meter guy. He has perfectly explained why a LM is important and how to use it on his blog. Go and have a look.
Seven. Don’t trust your camera’s display
The only thing to check on the display is the composition. Lights and colors? No. Your cam’display is not calibrated and you only see a jepg.
Eight. Take full batteries
Trust me it happened at list once to all of us : you are about to get a great shot and… Game over, no power. Grrrr….
Nine. Mind the cables. 
Strobes are expensive. Pay attention where you put your feet while shooting. Or make sure the alimentation’cables are not where you be shooting… In one second, you oversee the cable, the strobe falls… Broken! Grrrrrr….
Ten. Invite your failed pictures for a drink
Yes, do so. Check you results and spend time with the pictures which are not that good and try to understand why. After a while practicing this, you will be aware about them while shooting and you will improve.
Eleven. Euh… No, we’re done !
Have a good light and take care!
Studio Harcourt
Frank Doorhof